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  • Evening, Weekend & Overnight Emergency Care

    Northside Emergency Pet Clinic provide comprehensive emergency veterinary services on evenings, weekends, and overnight in Westminster.

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  • Veterinarians Specializing in Pet Emergencies

    The dedicated veterinarians at Northside Emergency Pet Clinic are specially trained in emergency medicine and triage.

    Meet Our Vets 

Comprehensive Care at Northside Emergency Pet Clinic

Our vets provide emergency care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Our animal hospital in Westminster provides care 24/7/365 for your pets in any emergency, at any time.  At our emergency pet clinic, your pet's paws are in good hands.

Whether your pet suffers a sudden illness, accident, or trauma, our experienced vets are always ready to deliver critical medical attention with compassion and skill.

About Our HospitalEmergency Services

Westminster Veterinarian

What to Do in a Pet Emergency

Basic First-Aid Strategies Can Be Helpful 

Use basic first-aid strategies to help stabilize your pet for transportation. Once you feel comfortable transporting your pet, head to our emergency pet clinic in Westminster immediately. Call us ahead of time if you can.

    • Strategies for Dogs

      Approach your dog calmly and slowly. Kneel down and call their name. Back away and call for help if there's any indication of aggression.

      If your pet seems passive, build a makeshift stretcher and gently lift him or her onto it, supporting the neck and back areas. 

    • Strategies for Cats

      Your cat may experience pain as you stabilize them. To help prevent them from biting, gently place a blanket or towel over their head.

      Slowly lift your cat and place him or her in an open-topped box or carrier, carefully supporting the head and neck areas.

Call (303) 252-7722

  • They took great care of my pup after he ate a bag of coffee. I even ended up being refunded some of my deposit because they didn’t end up needing to do as much as they initially thought. Polite, prompt and professional.
    - Caity O.

Pet Emergency Tips & Advice

The veterinary team at Northside Emergency Pet Clinic share tips and advice to help keep your pets safe in the event of an emergency situation.

Why is my cat breathing so fast?

Why is my cat breathing so fast?

If your cat is breathing fast, but is otherwise acting normal, it’s still easy to panic. Especially since your cat's fast breathing can also be accompanied by them not eating. Today's post from our Westminster vets looks at rapid breathing in cats, explains some common causes, and provides insight on when to call a vet. 

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My Cat Won't Eat. Why?

My Cat Won't Eat. Why?

Is your feline family member refusing to eat no matter what you put out for them? It can certainly be frustrating when cats are not eating, but it can also be a sign of an underlying health problem. Our Westminster vets explain.

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Common Dog Illnesses: Symptoms & Treatments

Common Dog Illnesses: Symptoms & Treatments

Early intervention and treatment are crucial if your canine companion falls ill. Here, our veterinarians in Westminster share three of the most commonly seen illnesses in dogs, including symptoms and information about potential treatment options.

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Symptoms of Poisoning in Cats

Symptoms of Poisoning in Cats

Cats are not frequently affected by poisoning, but it can occur. Our Westminster team is dedicated to assisting you in recognizing harmful substances in and around your home, as well as how to tell if a cat has been poisoned.

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Emergency Vet Care

At Northside Emergency Pet Clinic, our dedicated veterinarians are specially trained in emergency medicine and triage. We provide quality, compassionate emergency care.

Contact Us

Location & Phone

945 W 124th Ave, Westminster, CO 80234 US

(303) 252-7722



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