Once you've called to let us know you're on the way to our Northside location, please complete our Patient Admission Form below. 

Call Us

Northside Emergency Pet Clinic

If your pet is in respiratory distress, please call (303) 252-7722 and let the staff know immediately.

Pet Guardian Information

Pet Information

Presenting Problems or Symptoms


A deposit or payment is required for all hospitalized patients.
We are unable to extend credit or to bill you later. If there is a problem regarding payment, please advise the staff immediately.

Authorization & Consent for Treatment

I am the guardian or the agent for the guardian, of the above described animal and have the authority to execute this consent.
I authorize the Northside Emergency Pet Clinic to treat the above described animal and understand that this treatment may include the use of appropriate anesthetics, medications, and/or surgery and I realize that results cannot be guaranteed.
I accept full financial responsibility for all fees to be paid in full at the time of release of the animal.
Any animal not picked up within the time required by Sec 12-64-115, C.R.S. 1973 as amended shall be deemed abandoned by the owner and will be disposed of according the above statute.